Restorative Tattoos
a shade above the rest

Skin re-pigmentation is a positive solution to conceal imperfections by mimicking skin and restoring confidence. Each skin imperfection and scar is as unique as the living canvas in which it resides. Each application is customized for each person to recreate the natural and unique features of the individual. Skin-regimentation, also known as camouflage tattooing, can camouflage imperfections for any skin tone.
Thousands of cells, hundreds of blood vessels, hair follicles, and melanocytes combine to make a unique blend of colors within the skin. It is important that the practitioner captures the characteristics of the skin for the most realistic outcome. The texture and size of the scar will not go away but the right blend of colors can make it less noticeable. Pigments are selected to closely match the surrounding skin then carefully tattooed to blend with it. The result is a natural skin like appearance.
We use the highest quality camouflage pigments that are formulated to look transparent once healed. Our realistic camouflaging can conceal about 70% to 90% of the defect over layering of sessions. Our specialist will create realistic nuances such as pores, underlying veins, sunspots or textures to mimic surrounding skin characteristics or recreate them if needed.

Scar Camouflage

Scar Camouflage
breast cancer story
The recovery time is relatively quick, just a few days for most. Usually, only a couple of sessions are needed to effectively camouflage the area. Scars should be fully healed and present no redness in order to qualify for the camouflage procedure. Some medical conditions may need medical clearance such as Alopecia, in its inflammatory phase, if you have Diabetes, or patients currently receiving chemotherapy treatments. Sometimes certain medications and/or activities may need to be avoided for a short period of time. Lastly, a simple aftercare plan will be created for your specific needs.
- Breast Reconstruction: Areola / Nipple Restoration for both female and male mastectomy patients.
- Discolorations: Areas of skin that are light. Dark scars cannot be lightened.
- Fingernail Replication
- Hair Simulation, Eyebrow Hair Simulation, Hair Simulation for the Scalp
- Hypo-pigmentation from Disease, Injury, Laser, or Corns
- Bi-lateral Mastectomy
- Uni-lateral Mastectomy
- Areola Nipple Camouflage Revision
- Scar Concealment
Scar Camouflage:
- Surgical Scars (facelift, open heart surgery)
- Trauma scars
- Self-Inflicted Scars
- Skin Grafts
Pro Artist Services: Paramedical treatments are only performed by a Pro Artist at Dermagrafix. These treatments are priced upon in-person consultation ONLY.
Procedure Time
1-2 Hours
Sensitivity Period
12 - 36 Hours
No. of Treatments
1-4 sessions
Results Duration
12 - 48 Months
Potential Side Effects
Swelling, sensitive, itching